Part-Time International Students' Officer

Fizza Godil


Email me here!


Embarking on this journey to serve as your Champion for International Students, I am deeply motivated by the unique challenges and opportunities that our international student body faces. This role, pivotal in fostering an inclusive, supportive, and enriching environment for international students within the Students’ Union (SU) and University, is one I approach with a sense of responsibility, enthusiasm, and dedication.

International students enrich our campus with cultural diversity, fresh perspectives, and invaluable insights, contributing to a vibrant global community. Yet, navigating life in a new country comes with its own set of challenges—from cultural adaptation and homesickness to navigating the complexities of visas and academic support in a second language. My manifesto is centered on three core pillars: support, integration, and representation.

Support: My first commitment is to enhance the support system for international students. This includes practical guidance on visa regulations, financial planning, and healthcare access. I will advocate for a comprehensive orientation program tailored to international students, providing a robust foundation to navigate life in the UK and at our university. Additionally, I will work to expand language support services and academic writing help, ensuring every student has the tools to succeed academically.

Integration: Creating a welcoming and inclusive campus culture is paramount. I aim to organize regular cultural exchange events, language cafes, and social gatherings that foster interaction and friendships between international and domestic students. These initiatives will not only celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures represented on our campus but also facilitate a deeper understanding and appreciation among students from different backgrounds.

Representation: Voice and visibility are key. I will ensure that international students’ perspectives are represented in all relevant university and SU discussions, policies, and decisions. This includes regular meetings with university administration to address the specific needs of international students, advocating for flexible learning options, and ensuring that our campus is a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of where they come from.

Furthermore, I recognize the importance of mental health support tailored to the nuanced needs of international students, who may face unique stressors and challenges. Establishing partnerships with counseling services to provide culturally sensitive support will be a priority, alongside creating peer support networks that offer empathy, understanding, and shared experiences.

My vision is for a university where international students feel valued, supported, and integral to the community. Where cultural diversity is not just welcomed but celebrated as a strength that enhances our learning environment and prepares us all for a globalized world. Where every student, regardless of their country of origin, has the resources, support, and opportunities to thrive both academically and personally.

In conclusion, my pledge to you is a commitment to action, empathy, and continuous dialogue. With your support, we can build a more inclusive, supportive, and enriched community for international students. Together, we can ensure that our university is not just a place to study, but a home away from home, where every student can achieve their fullest potential.

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