The SU has a Code of Conduct and Complaints Procedure. This can be viewed in our Schedules and is available on our website. They apply to all members, including societies and sports teams. This applies on and off campus when delivering society/sport team events. You must:
Treat others with respect and dignity and without unfair or illegal discrimination.
Not offend others with foul language, anti-social behaviour or discriminatory behaviour.
Not engage in threatening or harassing behaviour, whether verbal or physical.
Treat the environment with respect, not damaging Union premises or property either deliberately or negligently.
Not interfere with other people's enjoyment of Union or University facilities or activities.
Not engage in activity or behaviour likely to bring the Union into disrepute.
Comply with the reasonable requests of staff and elected Union and University officers.
Respect the confidentiality and reasonable privacy of others.
Act in accordance with the Union Policy, University Policy and the Law.
Where this is a suspected breach in the Code of Conduct and where necessary to do so in order to safeguard the Union and its members, an individual may be asked to leave Union facilities or events. If you believe someone has broken the Code of Conduct, you may ask them to leave. You must report this to the SU, and you may not permanently ban a member from your group without going through the complaint process.
If you wish to make a complaint about a member, another society/sports team, or the SU, you may do so by emailing the SU. We will try to resolve the complaint as fairly and swiftly as possible. You can also speak to SU Advice about making a complaint.
In the first stage we will attempt to resolve the complaint via early resolution. During this time, precautionary measures may be put in place against the member/team/society to which the complaint refers in order to safeguard students. If the complaint cannot be resolved at this stage, it will be moved to a disciplinary panel.
SOAS Students' Union (SOAS SU) is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all its members, staff, and visitors, especially children and vulnerable adults. We have a Safeguarding Policy which sets out how we do this. Each member of the SOAS community has a responsibility for creating a safe environment. If you are concerned about someone participating in your group, you should report this. Concerns could arise from direct disclosures, observations, or third-party reports. This includes low-level concerns. Things to look out for:
Unexplained injuries such as bruises, burns, or fractures
Injuries at different stages of healing
Flinching or anxiety about being touched
Sudden withdrawal from activities or changes in behaviour
Delayed emotional development or low self-esteem
Demonstrating sexual acts inappropriate for age or physical symptoms like pain in genital areas
Consistent poor hygiene or appearance and signs of malnutrition
Living in unsanitary or unsafe home conditions
Unexplained loss of money or property or lack of control over personal finances
Rigid routines in care settings, inadequate staffing, or poor care standards
All concerns should first be reported to the individual's immediate manager or supervisor. For student leaders, this is the relevant member of union staff. They will log the concern and take relevant action.
Prevention: Your group must assess and mitigate risks associated with its activities, especially those involving direct contact with children or vulnerable adults. If you will be working with under-18s or vulnerable adults, your risk assessments should reflect this and be updated and reviewed regularly.
Under 18's involvement in your group
SOAS students and others under 16 must not participate in your society group.
Members aged sixteen or seventeen can join Societies and Sports Teams. However, they must complete a parental consent form before purchasing membership or participating in activities. Therefore, you should ensure that all your members have membership.
You can do this by going to your Group Admin Tools on the SU's website;
1. Clicking "Sales Reports"
2. Clicking "Purchasers Report"
3. Looking for any members flagged (* u18 *) in the Under 18 column
Permission Form
All under-18 members must submit a signed form by their parent or guardian to the SU to confirm that their parent or guardian agrees to their participation in teams or society activities. Under-18s cannot purchase a membership without completing this form. Once this signed form is returned, the Committee will be informed and can organise events with the under-18 students in attendance.
You can download the permission form here.
Activities, Trips & Overnight Stays
You may need to make any under-18 student members aware that the university is an adult environment and that they are expected to behave appropriately. They are living independently alongside others and taking responsibility for looking after themselves. However, as an activity leader, you must be aware of certain requirements.
When arranging any activity, ensure that a risk assessment has been completed, bearing in mind the enhanced duty of care toward students under 18. Please note that this will be in addition to your annual risk assessment.
If teams or societies are found to have under-18s participating in activities without notifying the SU via these additional risk assessments, disciplinary actions may be taken. For trips, a trip form will need to be completed, including confirmation of who will be responsible during the trip and emergency contact details provided. Please note that any under 18 members cannot attend an overnight stay or trip.
SU's Public Liability Insurance will cover any student under 18.
It is illegal for any person under the age of 18 to consume alcohol, and therefore, non-alcoholic socials should be considered to include any under 18 members. Under 18 members should not attend a social where drinking alcohol is the sole focus of the activity. Under-18s will not be able to gain access to the SU's club night or other similar venues.
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Students' Union Staff
Your Co-Presidents are elected by the student body and work full time to lead us for a year.