Co-President Activities and Events

Safia with a foliage behind her

WELCOME FROM Safia (they/she) CO-PRESIDENT Activities and Events


Hey Besties! 


I’m Safia, and I’m honored to serve as your Co-President of Activities & Events. After nearly four years at SOAS—whether hanging out at the SU bar, making coffees, running consent workshops, late-night library sessions or student politics—I’ve been immersed in our vibrant community and am deeply committed to our shared values.


 Our strength lies in our unity, and together, we will transform our campus into a space of radical love, collective liberation, and joy. The SOAS Student Union is here to represent and serve every one of us, and with your trust, we’re going to reclaim it as a hub of community, inclusivity, and empowerment.


 As your Co-President, I’m eager to get started on revitalizing our events, rebuilding our community spirit, and empowering our student groups and societies. From reinstating the food co-op as a breakfast club to creating safe and sensory-friendly spaces, from empowering societies to bringing live music and art back to campus—we’re going to make sure our SU is a place where everyone feels seen, heard, and celebrated.


 This isn’t just about great parties (though those are definitely on the way!)—it’s about fostering a sustainable, supportive, and engaged community where every voice matters. My door will always be open, both in person and online, because transparency and accessibility are at the heart of my vision for a stronger SOAS. 


I’ll be on campus every working day (except for illness or emergencies) to ensure I’m available when you need me. Thank you for your support, and I can’t wait to work with all of you to build the student solidarity that’s been missing for too long. Together, we’ll create an SU that truly reflects our shared values and aspirations.


In solidarity, 



Hey, I'm Safia. I’ve been a part of SOAS for nearly four years, currently studying Migration and Diaspora studies, and I’m standing for Co-President of Activities & Events.

We are strongest when we come together as a community.  As co-president, I will commit to building student solidarity, revitalising and democratising events, and empowering student groups and societies.

I remind you, friends, that the SOAS Student Union exists to represent and serve the student body and OUR wider community; it’s a space of radical love, collective liberation and joy. Solidarity and community building should be priorities in an SU that has been neglected for too long and has forced the student body to choose between either the commercialised “university experience” or hyper-political standpoints. 

That starts with challenging the erosion of community spirit and with a Sabbatical Officer who serves YOUR interests above all else. 


If elected I pledge the following:


1. Great parties, for everyone, but that’s just the beginning. 

2. Community-building initiatives:

  • Reinstate the food co-op to provide free groceries.
  • Establish a ‘SOAS Car Boot’, including clothes swapping, crafts, bake sales, and a platform for campaign fundraising tables.
  • Collaborate with other sabbatical officers, student staff, and "Enough is Enough" to create safe and sensory-friendly spaces during late licences, extending welfare support to student staff as well as tackling the hostile gendered environment emerging on campus by holding focus groups to inform and establish women-focused events and spaces.
  • Conduct weekly open surgeries, in person and online, to address student concerns and ensure transparency. 
  • Demand that security working late licences are both in-house staff and provided with Enough is Enough ‘good night out’ training. 

3. Empowering Societies and Democratising Processes:

  • Advocate and fight for an SU budget increase in line with inflation from the administration.

  • Being on campus for all of my working hours to maximise my accessibility to students. While sabbatical officers may be able to answer emails from home, that is not a substitute for being available for face-to-face support for students when needed.

  • Empower societies and student groups by fostering event coordination, management, planning, and execution skills, including facilitating room booking. 

  • Establish a democratic forum for societies to collectively participate in event planning, deciding on late licence dates, themes, and budget allocation. Additionally, ensure clear and timely communication and scheduling for student union events to replace the past year's ad hoc and poorly communicated updates. 

4. Bringing Live Music and Art back onto campus:

  • SOAS has a vibrant community of musicians and performance artists, yet both the JCR and Bar space are under-utilised. I will form a committee of creative/performance societies and student groups to democratically decide on a rich and engaging timetable of yearly events and facilitate training to use the audio equipment that is currently in disrepair.

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