Sylheti Language Society

Come learn to speak the Sylheti language! We meet to develop lessons and teaching materials that don’t yet exist for the Sylheti language! We practice teaching to members of the society.

About Us

We meet to develop lessons and teaching materials that don’t yet exist for the Sylheti language! We practice teaching to members of the society. It’s an opportunity to learn the *Sylheti language and gain language teaching skills. Members are encouraged to each eventually teach (or co-teach) a lesson (but attendance to just learn and experience the Sylheti language is fine!). We want Sylheti to be discussed as the real language it is, not ‘improper Bengali’.

*Sylheti is an Indo-Aryan language with Tibeto-Burman influences, spoken by a minority in north-eastern Bangladesh and south Assam, India, where it is often considered to be a mere 'dialect' of Bengali. However, it is a language, with hundreds of thousands of speakers in the UK, who, for lack of documentation and teaching materials, among other reasons, simply call it 'Bengali'.

No current news articles
  • SLS lesson booklet 2014 2015

    Collection of lessons we did this year.

  • Sylheti has tones

    This short article is technical but the Introduction and Conclusion give the gist of Amalesh Gope's ongoing work for his PhD dissertation.

  • Sylheti Nagri Unicode proposal

    Interesting historical details about the Sylheti Nogri script are contained in theis proposal.

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