News Article

2023 - 2024 Reports

Speak Week

Commuter Students

Teaching and Learning (coming soon)

Welcome to new students from Maryam

Welcome to the SOAS Students Union, and congratulations to all of you for reaching this point in your academic journey! I'm excited to serve as the Co-President of Activities and Events, responsible for bringing all the fun to our campus. My role in the SU involves guiding students in planning and delivering Society + Sports events and other engaging activities.

Throughout the year, my primary goal is to create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere in all SU spaces. I strive to achieve this by organising a diverse range of events where every student feels comfortable and welcome, regardless of their religious beliefs, castes, or social identities.

Let me share a bit about what the SU stands for. Our main focus is on creating inclusive communities, ensuring that all students, regardless of their background, feel valued and represented. To enrich the overall student experience, we provide a wide range of extracurricular activities that offer opportunities to develop skills and create lasting memories. And of course, offer safe spaces where you can take a break from your studies and recharge.

As Co-President, I strongly believe in student empowerment. I encourage you to take the lead in planning and delivering events for your sports teams, societies, and campaigns. Your active participation and initiative play a vital role in shaping the SU's offerings and impact.

The SOAS SU, along with my fellow Co-Presidents, is dedicated to ensuring that you have a memorable and enjoyable university journey. We are here to infuse the campus with life and spirit, providing ample fun and entertainment for all. Together, as the heart of the SOAS campus, we strive to make the SU a place where everyone feels included, engaged, and energised. I look forward to an exciting year ahead, and I am committed to working with you all to achieve our shared goals.


Find out more about Maryam and her goals for the year here


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Tue 19 Dec 2023

The Officer Team

Here to make student life better.

Your four Co-Presidents are elected by the student body and work full time to lead us for a year.

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