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What are societies and sports clubs and why should I join them?

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What are Societies and Sports Clubs and Why Should I join them?

At SOAS, we have a vibrant array of cultures, languages, and ideas. Beyond the classroom, one of the best ways to immerse yourself in this is by joining a Society and Sports Club. These student-led organisations offer a wealth of opportunities for personal growth, social connections, and skill development.

In this article, we'll delve into what Societies and Sports Clubs are and why every SOAS student should consider getting involved.

What are Societies?

Societies at SOAS are student-run groups that revolve around shared interests, hobbies, and causes. Whether you're passionate about environmental sustainability, human rights, or you simply want to connect with others who share your love for music, there's likely a society for you. Here's why you should consider joining one:

Expand Your Horizons: Societies offer a fantastic platform to explore new interests and discover hidden talents. From cultural appreciation clubs such as Hindu or Sylheti Language Society to martial arts clubs such as Shorinji Kempo or Pencak Silat, there's a wide range of options to choose from.

Community and Friendship: Joining a society can lead to lifelong friendships. You'll meet people who share your passions and values, making it easier to connect and build relationships.

Leadership and Organisational Skills: Many societies allow members to take on leadership roles, providing valuable experience and training in organising events, managing budgets, and working as part of a team. For example, the Law Society committee organise a Boat Party every year

Diversity and Inclusivity: SOAS is renowned for its diverse community, and societies reflect this diversity. It's a chance to embrace and celebrate different cultures, ideas, and perspectives.

Positive Impact: We have many activist groups at SOAS. Joining one can provide a sense of purpose and a chance to make a difference in the world.

How to join a Sports Clubs

If you're more of an athlete or simply looking for a way to stay active and healthy, SOAS Sports Clubs are the perfect avenue for you. A lot of our clubs are open to complete beginners and have social sessions for you to just go along, play a bit of the sport and meet people. Here's why you should consider joining a sports club:

Physical Well-Being: Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good health. Joining a sports club is a fun way to stay active and improve your fitness.

Teamwork and Camaraderie: Sports clubs offer a sense of belonging and camaraderie. You'll work together with your teammates to achieve common goals, fostering valuable teamwork skills.

Stress Relief: University life can be stressful. Engaging in sports can be an effective way to relieve stress and improve your mental well-being.

Skill Development: Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a beginner, sports clubs provide opportunities for skill development and personal growth.

Competitions and Events: Many sports clubs participate in local and national competitions, providing opportunities to represent SOAS and compete against other universities.


How to Get Involved

Getting involved in Societies and Sports Clubs at SOAS is easy:

Browse the list of societies and sports clubs on the Students' Union website. You'll find a wide variety of options to choose from. These will also all be at fresher's fayre on the 29th of September where you can meet the committee and sign up in person via a QR code.

Many societies and sports clubs will also host taster sessions or introductory events at the beginning of the academic year. Attend these to get a feel for the group and its activities.

Most societies and sports clubs allow you to join online through the Students' Union website. A lot of our societies are free but competitive sports will have a Membership fees, but it’s well worth the investment.

Don't miss out on enriching your SOAS experience – get involved, make friends, and explore your passions.



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