News Article

SOAS Students’ Union Confirms Amendment to Sabbatical Officer Structure

Following a period of student consultation and unanimous approval by the SU Board of Trustees, SOAS SU will have a reformed Sabbatical Officer structure from four to three sabbatical officers, redirecting resources towards student-led activities and services. This change comes after careful evaluation of the Union’s priorities, student expectations, and, most importantly, feedback provided by students.


Why has this decision been made?

The Welfare and Campaigns Officer role had remained unfilled for the past two years, during which SOAS SU has maintained its welfare support and campaigning efforts through its professional staff team and other sabbatical officers. This period has been able to demonstrate that the Union could continue to provide essential services without the need for a 4th officer.

Additionally, by reallocating the budget previously assigned to this position, the Union will be able to invest in other areas that directly benefit students. As a reminder, here is the breakdown of how the SU has committed to redistribute the funding saved:

  • Increase the Societies grants fund from the £20,000 it currently is to £40,000 from September 2025, thereby doubling the current fund. This allows for the SU to support our societies to directly use the money on events, campaigns and activities that best suit the student population.
  • £11,000 to help support our student media by paying students London Living Wage to participate in student media by paying student Journalists at The Spirit and delivering a free monthly podcasting course for students involved in SOAS Radio. Not only does this support our student journalists, but it allows for interested students to also apply for an opportunity to upskill themselves.
  • £4,000 for the Sabb Officers to lead campaigns effectively, including a student Breakfast Club for all students in the JCR. With a larger budget, officers will be able to work to effectively carry out campaigns and events, in line with their remit and direct student feedback.

The decision was not made lightly, and the Union carefully considered student feedback combined with extensive open discussion at the Trustee Board meeting which has a majority of student trustees and sabbatical officers, before reaching this conclusion.


What does this mean for students?

While the Welfare and Campaigns Officer role will no longer exist as an elected position, the Union remains committed to student wellbeing and campaigning efforts. Support services will continue to be delivered through:

  • The SOAS SU staff team, who provide advice, guidance, and welfare support. Should a student require any level of support, they can sign up and book an appointment at a time of their choosing to have a 121 appointment to discuss their needs, or be signposted to the right team that can help.
  • Other elected officers, who will continue to advocate for student needs and lead on relevant campaigns. Welfare and campaigns will be further integrated into the work of the officers.
  • Student-led initiatives, where different student groups can directly apply for funding to help increase engagement and improve the extra-curricular aspect of student life and living.

SOAS SU will also be continuously monitoring the services provided and on offer to students. This includes exploring ways to improve access to welfare services and ensure students know where to seek support, as well as engaging with students to assess how welfare and campaigning efforts can be improved.

If you, as a student, have ideas on how to better the student experience, we encourage you to get in touch with us via or pop into the office for a chat!



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