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2023 - 2024 Reports

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Jumu'ah Prayer Survey

Have you experienced a clash between Friday prayer and academic obligations? We want to hear from you!

Dear Students,

We hope this message finds you well. As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive academic environment, we are reaching out to you today to gather important insights about a concern that has been brought to our attention.


We have received reports from students indicating that there may be scheduling conflicts between their academic obligations, specifically lectures, and the mandatory Friday Jumu'ah prayers. We understand the significance of Jumu'ah prayers as a fundamental aspect of your religious observance, and we want to ensure that your academic experiences are in harmony with your faith.


In order to address this issue and explore potential solutions, we would greatly appreciate your input. This survey aims to assess the extent of the problem and to better understand the specific challenges you may be facing when it comes to balancing your academic and religious commitments.


We encourage all students who have encountered scheduling conflicts between their lectures and Friday Jumu'ah prayers to complete this survey, as your feedback will be invaluable in shaping future policies and initiatives.


If you have any further questions, please email Jamal at


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