In academic writing, effectively contrasting evidence or ideas is essential for presenting a comprehensive perspective. This section provides valuable phrases and terminology to assist students in articulating differing viewpoints drawn from various sources.
Other writers have posited that...
Several studies have arrived at the conclusion that...
In contrast to Smith's perspective, Jones (2013) contends that...
Smith (2010) advocates for an X-centric viewpoint, whereas Jones (2011)...
While Smith (2008) concentrates on X, Jones (2009) directs attention towards...
Smith (213) takes a broader view, advocating that...
In defiance of prior research, Johnson et al. showcased the effectiveness of...
This outcome contradicts the findings of Smith (1965), who previously noted that...
Conversely, Smith (2010) found no discernible disparity in mortality rates between X and Y.
Some writers, exemplified by Smith (2002), have endeavored to delineate distinctions between...
Others, such as Jones (2003) and Brown (2004), cast doubt on...
Certain authors have primarily focused on inquiries related to X (Smith, 2001; Jones...), while...
While Smith identifies X as the primary facet of Y, Jones (2000) diverges by placing emphasis on...
Despite a substantial portion of existing literature addressing the issue of X, Smith (2008) directs attention towards...
However, Smith (2012) presents a differing viewpoint...
Contrary to this, Jones (2014) and Brown (2015) argue...
Smith (2013) discovered that X constitutes approximately 30% of Y. Nevertheless,...
Conversely, Jones (2010) found little substantiating evidence in their study of Y.