The below are currently active student-led campaigns. You can get involved by either helping the work of these campaigns, or simply learning more about them and what they're fighting for.
We've listed where campaigns are Independent - meaning they are run independently of the Union - or SU Supported - whereby our members voted for the Union to stand in solidarity with the campaign and offer any support they may need. In all cases, the work of these campaigns is entirely student-led.
From the end of Febuary 2025, students across SOAS have shown their support of the Tutor4Change campaign.
Tutors4Change is SOAS tutors demanding improved working, research, and learning conditions from SOAS management by refusing to mark.
Tutors have no legal obligation to mark and convenors do not have to take over marking either.
This action does have the biggest impact on student's not receiving their marks, so students need to show SOAS management they they are not stasfied with the university experience they are paying for. Better working conditions for tutors, means better quality education for students.
For more information, follow Tutors4Change on instagram @soas_tutors4change
This is a new and ongoing campaign, we hope to soon have an FAQ page up on the SU website.
SOAS Palestine Society
We are a student group at SOAS that calls for freedom, justice & equality for the Palestinian people, by ending SOAS’ complicity with Israeli colonialism. We aim to educate students at SOAS about the severity of this complicity and to hold SOAS accountable for the ties they maintain with companies which support Israel, as well as Israeli institutions they have partnerships with.
We are determined to do this by putting pressure on SOAS to commit to an academic boycott of Israel and to divest from the companies they currently invest in which support Israel. The types of events we would like to organise will centre political education, campaigning workshops and events around creative activism.
We will not rest until SOAS is no longer aiding and funding the Israeli occupation. For more information about the BDS movement please checkout the official BDS website.
Independent or SU Supported? SU Supported (via Referendum)
How to Join: PalSoc Sign Up Form
Contact Details:
Instagram: @soaspalestinesociety
Facebook: @soaspalestinesociety
Fractionals for Fair Pay
We are fractional teaching staff of SOAS.
What we stand for: We stand for education without exploitation.
Since 2014 we have been campaigning as teachers and students for decent pay and working conditions for casualised teaching staff at SOAS.
Independent or SU Supported? SU Supported (Solidarity)
Contact Details:
Twitter: @FFFPsoas
Facebook: @SOASFractionalsForFairPlay
Justice for Workers
SOAS Justice For Workers - End Outsourcing campaign: STOP bullying and inequality in the workplace. We fight for justice, dignity and respect for all outsourced workers at SOAS, University of London.
We are a worker & student alliance, join us! Since the launch of our campaign in 2006 we have won the London living wage, sick pay, holiday pay and pensions. Since 2014 we have been campaigning for the cleaners to be brought in-house and in 2018 we won this demand!
However, the struggle continues, the campaign is still fighting for cleaners and other workers at SOAS to be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Independent or SU Supported? SU Supported (Solidarity)
Contact Details:
Twitter: @SOASJ4C
Facebook: SOAS Justice for Workers - End Outsourcing
#FireHabib is a response spearheaded by Art and the African Mind to the events of the 11th March 2021 where new SOAS Director Adam Habib verbalised the n-word in an all-students meeting when asked a question on institutional racism and non-Black lecturers use of the n word in class.
The campaign has seen success in mobilising the SOAS community, resulting in SU and UNISON motions to remove the director and seriously address anti-Blackness at SOAS pass by an overwhelming majority.
Art and the African Mind also commissioned an independent People’s Tribunal after rejecting the School’s formal investigation and ‘restorative justice’ process.
Independent or SU Supported? SU Supported (via UGM)
Contact Details:
Instagram: @soasatam
Facebook: SOAS Art and the African Mind
SOAS Against Surveillance and Securitisation (SASS)
SOAS Against Surveillance & Securitisation is a student and staff campaign at SOAS challenging the increased securitisation of the university.
Independent or SU Supported? SU Supported (Solidarity)
Contact Details:
Twitter: @abolish_prevent
Instagram: @soas_sass
Facebook: @preventingpreventsoas
Sign up using the SASS Sign Up Form.
SOAS Detainee Support
SOAS Detainee Support is a grassroots abolitionist group based at SOAS University of London.
SDS attempts to break the isolation of immigration detention through visits and supports people to take control of their cases and resist their imprisonment and deportation.
We work in solidarity rather than charity, and try to meet people in detention on their own terms and without preconceived notions about their situation or desires.
We offer emotional support and practical support for detainees that could include help with finding a solicitor or medical expert, bringing toiletries and other essential items, and campaigning alongside people in detention.
Independent or SU Supported? Independent
Contact Details:
Facebook: SOAS Detainee Support
Campaigning for our rights as #studentsnotconsumers!
SOAS students demanding reform, asking for consessions during the pandemic.
#StudentsDeserveBetter #SOASWTFees
Independent or SU Supported? Independent
Contact Details:
Instagram: @soaswtfees
Facebook: @soaswtfees