Practical combat arts from the Philippines. Upbeat and challenging classes that will develop skill, fitness and a tactical mindset. Beginners are welcome, at any skill level. SOAS students train for free!!

Kali Society Training

When: Thu 02 March 2023 19:00-21:00
Where: Room L67

Practical combatives from the Philippines with coaches from the acclaimed Rapid Arnis organisation. Upbeat and challenging classes that will develop skill, fitness and a tactical mindset. Beginners are welcome, at any skill level.

In common with many other Filipino martial arts, Rapid Arnis covers several areas of combat, namely: solo baston (single stick), doble baston (double stick), espada y daga (sword and knife), baraw (knife), mano mano (empty hands), largo baston (5' long stick) and Dumog (grappling).

SOAS Students train for free!!

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