Union Elections Spring 2020

Elect your next Union executive for 2020 - 21!

The polls have closed.

Academic Affairs Officer

16.1 The Academic Affairs Officer shall be responsible for dealing with issues relating to the academic life of students, the Library and IT.

16.2 The Academic Affairs Officer shall help organise and run, together with the Co-President Welfare & Education and the Representation Assistant, the student representative system.

16.3 The Academic Affairs Officer shall run campaigns and events as necessary regarding the academic life of students.

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Accommodation Officer

8.1 The Accommodation Officer will provide information, support and guidance to the student body
regarding accommodation issues.

8.2 The Accommodation Officer will actively lead in any SOAS Students Union campaigns regarding
homelessness in London and the greater community, as well as any other accommodation and
housing related campaigns.

8.3 The Accommodation Officer will be the direct point of liaison between SOAS Students’ Union and
Sanctuary Housing management regarding matters relating to Paul Robeson and Dinwiddy Halls of

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Anti-Racism Officer

18.1 The Anti-Racism Officer shall run campaigns within the Union and the School highlighting and
opposing racism in all its forms.

18.2 The Anti-Racism Officer shall normally be a member of the School’s Equality and Diversity

18.3 The Anti-Racism Officer shall liaise with the NUS Anti-Racism Campaign to run events to help
combat racism nationally.

18.4 The Anti-Racism Officer shall liaise with the School’s Equality and Diversity Manager on race
issues within the School.

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Campaigns Officer

15.1 The Campaigns Officer shall co-ordinate any campaigns raised by the student body and help encourage non-violent activism by students.

15.2 The Campaigns Officer shall and will be able to allocate Student Union campaigns funds, under the supervision of Sabbatical Officers and the rest of the SU executive to help advertise, promote and undertake the campaigns.

15.3 The Campaigns Officer shall endeavour to work with other Students’ Unions, bodies that the SOAS SU is formally affiliated to and other organisations where appropriate to maximise the impact and potential success of their campaigns, promoting strong activist networks.

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Co-President Activities and Campaigns

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Co-President Democracy and Education

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Co-President Welfare & Campaigns

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Co-President Welfare and Liberation

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Disabled Students and Carers Officer

11.1 The Disabled Students and Carers’ Officer shall represent the interests of students with
disabilities and caring responsibilities to the Union and the School, especially on issues of exclusion
and prejudice.

11.2 The Disabled Students and Carers’ Officer shall liaise with the School’s Student Disability
Advisor to help improve facilities at SOAS for students with disabilities.

11.3 The Disabled Students and Carers’ Officer shall liaise with the NUS Students with Disability
Campaign nationally to help raise awareness of disability issues.

11.4 The Disabled Students and Carers’ Officer shall run campaigns and events appropriate to this

11.5 The Disabled Students & Carers’ Officer will work with other liberation officers to ensure their
work reflects the intersectional nature of different students' identities.

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Entertainments Officer

8.1 The Entertainments Officer shall be responsible for planning a calendar of social events after Freshers’ Week and for managing the entertainments budget with the Co-President Activities & Events.

8.2 The Entertainments Officer shall account for all costs incurred and income raised at any event they have organised.

8.3 The Entertainments Officer shall liaise with the General Manager in a timely manner concerning equipment required for events.

8.4 The Entertainments Officer shall attend as many SU events as possible and shall ensure that all events are attended in an orderly and safe manner.

8.5 The Entertainments Officer shall liaise with the Co-President Activities & Events on publicity for social events.

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Environment Officer

13.1 The Environment Officer shall be consulted regarding all policy which affects the environment of the Students’ Union, with particular reference to issues of sustainable energy, recycling and reducing waste.

13.2 The Environment Officer shall liaise with the School’s Estates and Services Department to promote Union environmental policy School-wide.

13.3 The Environment Officer shall monitor and review the Union’s environmental policy and report as necessary to the Union Executive Committee and the UGM.

13.4 The Environment Officer shall run campaigns to raise awareness of environment issues outside the School and encourage debate on these issues.

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International Officer

17.1 The International Students’ Officer shall represent the interests of international students to the Union and the School.

17.2 The International Students’ Officer shall liaise with the NUS International Students Campaign to raise awareness of issues pertaining to international students.

17.3 The International Students’ Officer shall run campaigns and events appropriate to this constituency.

17.4 The International Students’ Officer shall play a part in the international students’ induction and be available to offer advice on international student issues in association with the Sabbatical Officers.

17.5 The International Students’ Officer will work with other liberation officers to ensure their work reflects the intersectional nature of different students' identities.

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LGBTQIA+ Officer

19.1 The LGBTQIA+ Officer shall represent the interests of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual,
Transgender, Genderqueer, Queer, Intersexed, Agender, and Asexual.students to the Union, in
particular with regards to issues of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and discrimination on the
grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.

19.2 The LGBTQIA+ Officer shall be the liaison with the NUS LGBT Campaign.

19.3 The LGBTQIA+ Officer shall liaise with the LGBTQIA+ Society to run events for LGBTQIA+
students or to establish a LGBTQIA+ Society if one does not exist.

19.4 The LGBTQIA+ Officer shall run campaigns and events appropriate to these constituencies

19.5The LGBTQIA+ officer will work with other liberat

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People of Colour Officer

9.1 The People of Colour Officer shall represent the interests of students of colour to the Union and
the School.

9.2 The People of Colour Officer shall be the liaison with the NUS Black Students’ Campaign.

9.3 The People of Colour Officer shall run events for Black History Month in conjunction with the
Union and the School.


9.4 The People of Colour Officer shall run campaigns and events appropriate to this constituency.

9.5 The People of Colour officer will work with other liberation officers to ensure their work reflects the
intersectional nature of different students' identities.

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Sports Officer

20.1 The Sports Officer shall represent the interests of students engaged in sports and physical
activity (both competitive and casual) to the Students’ Union Exec and the School.

20.2 The Sports Officer shall work as a liaison between the Sports Union (a union of all SOAS sports
teams) and the Co-President of Activities and Events, the Sports and Societies Coordinator (Union
member of staff) and the SU Executive Body.

20.3 The Sports Officer shall work towards ensuring the further development and increased
participation in sports through the Students’ Union.

20.4 The Sports Officer shall run campaigns and events linked to SOAS Sports.
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Trans* and Gender Identity Officer

22.1 The Trans* and Gender Identity Officer shall represent the interests of Trans & gender variant
students to the Union and the School.

22.2 The Trans* and Gender Identity Officer shall be the liaison with the NUS Trans Campaign.

22.3 The Trans* and Gender Identity Officer shall run events for LGBT history month in conjunction
with the Union, the LGBTQIA+ students’ officer, and the School.

22.4 The Trans* and Gender Identity Officer shall run campaigns and events appropriate to this

22.5 The Trans* and Gender Identity Officer will work with other liberation officers to ensure their work
reflects the intersectional nature of different students' identities.

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Womens Officer

10.1 The Womxn’s Officer shall represent the interests of female students to the Union and the
School, in particular with regard to issues of sexism.

10.2 The Womxn’s Officer shall be the liaison with the NUS Women’s Campaign.

10.3 The Womxn’s Officer shall run campaigns and events appropriate to this constituency.

10.4 The Womxn’s officer will work with other liberation officers to ensure their work reflects the
intersectional nature of different students' identities.

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Working Class Students' Officer

21.1. The working class officer shall represent the interests of working class and other economically deprived students at SOAS

21.2. The working class officer shall liaise with the school to improve accessibility, admission and student experience, and welfare for working class students.

21.3. The working class officer will run campaigns and events appropriate to the constituency

21.4: The working class officer will work with other liberation officers to ensure their work reflects the intersectional nature of different students' identities.

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