Candidate for the position of Co-President Welfare and Liberation

Image for Youssra Elmagboul

Youssra Elmagboul



Hey! I'm Youssra, your current Co-President of Equality and Liberation and I am re-running for a second term; I've really enjoyed my term so far but there are so many more things I want to accomplish and complete!

What I’ve Done:

?All academics to sit unconscious bias and confidentiality training

Committed the School to spending £10,000 on a new anonymous reporting tool (Report+Support)

?Implemented Emotional Support sessions for victim-survivors of Gender Based Violence

?Liberation Months!

?Anonymous Marking implemented across the school as part of the strategy to tackle the BME Attainment Gap

?Helped formulate the School's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy to be actual implementable and effective

What I Want to Do:

?Jargon Buster: Have a central, student-written data-base of acronyms and key liberation words

Liberation Mental Health: The SU has the funds to plug the gap of providing specific mental health support

?Fighting the Marketisation of Higher Education: With the student body voting against a NSS Boycott, it's time to talk about what our fight against the commodification of the sector

?BDS Policy: SUs Policy to 'Boycott, Divest and Sanction' Israel expires this year and it is a great time to recommit and strategise our support for Palestine

?Gender Based Violence Complaints: have an external triage handle these complaints

?Tackle Culture of Bullying: Train society leaders in how to identify bullying and introduce a SU Mediation System

?Oversee reform of SU Governance: Clear lack of accountability and structures clearly need reforming

?Liberation Mailing Lists:  A simple way for liberation officers to contact relevant students

?Enough is Enough: Consent Workshops need a massive overhaul and need to be made genuinely mandatory

?Decolonising Workshops for Freshers: Support the work and steps that have already been taken to introduce workshops to inform freshers of the colonial bias of their education

?Liberation Caucuses: As per a UGM Policy from Term 1, liberation caucuses now have the power to pass policy; these have the potential to be incredibly powerful but need overseeing

If you have any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me at:

Say Yes to Youss (again)!



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