Candidate for the position of Environment Officer



Environmental Officer = Student-Led Environmentalism

As a first year, I have the incentive and energy to fight for the furthering of environmental policies. I’m also aware that the student body has been fighting for causes in previous years and that’s why I consider myself a speakerphone for student-led environmental activism.

These are some of the ideas and guidelines I plan to follow if elected, always taking into account new ideas and incentive from students:

  • SOAS has a long way to go to achieve the environmental standards that the student body deserves.

  • Relying more on renewable energies to power the university as a whole

  • Advocate for the increase of insulation in as many SOAS building to

    reduce heating costs and environmental effects

  • Have increasing contact with the environmental organizations and societies at SOAS to get their input

  • Reducing plastic waste while increasing recycling

  • Promote and advertise environmental and especially decolonize

    environmentalism protests and movements

  • Provide both financial and logistical support to any campaign promoting environmentalism

  • Promoting increasing environmental policies at the SOAS only-halls

  • Advocate for increasing support for the Student Co-Op as an environmental alternative of shopping made available to SOAS students

    My plan is to advocate for structural and student-led change, by campaigning for the student body and associations to make the administration listen.

    Make them Listen!

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