Candidate for the position of Anti-Racism Officer

Image for Hisham Pryce-Parchment and Sohane Yahya

Hisham Pryce-Parchment and Sohane Yahya

  1. Mandatory decolonization workshop during freshers

    1. Learn to recognize all forms of racism

    2. Learn how to speak out about it (procedure)

    3. Understand white privilege and become an ally

    4. Colorism

    5. No more hush hush about racism at soas

  2. Social media campaigns throughout the year

    1. Black history month posts

    2. Weekly post explaining how to be good allies

    3. Anonymous submission of questions and experiences (possible 1st step towards coming forward)

    4. Confronting subconscious bias

  3. Establishment of new termly SOAS anti-racism/ POC publication

  4. More creative opportunities for individuals and groups to explore, inform and educate

  5. increase the visibility of black male students

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