Candidate for the position of Entertainments Officer

Image for CHARLOTTE (Charli) KEELY



Who am I ?

My name is Charli Keely, I’m a second year Social Anthropology undergraduate. You might know me as an Enough is Enough consent facilitator, a welfare contact, the President of the meme society or as a drag king. I also work as an activity leader at camps during the Easter and summer breaks as well as organising events for bars and pubs around London and Oxford.


My aim as entertainments officer is not only to improve the nightlife at SOAS but the days at SOAS too. 


If I was elected I would aim to…

- Make late licenses great again, have quality late license events which everyone can enjoy – do you remember when the kebab tent was in the smoking area? More of that please.

- Create a nightlife outside the late license. Have more SOAS nightlife events outside of the JCR in venues where SOAS students still feel safe.

- Improve Freshers. This means more events in freshers week at night and during the day which cater to all kinds of people.

- Have more LGBTQIA+ events as well as more QTIPOC events, make sure everyone at SOAS has a space for their creative outlet

- More events which capture all parts of SOAS for example traditional dance events to live music events

- More events during the day – for example a lunchtime concert series in the JCR platforming the amazing music SOAS has to offer


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