Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Taught Officer



Master’s students come from very different backgrounds and life situations. Doing a master’s degree is very exciting but can also be daunting. Beginning a very intense course in a new university, new city, new country, or even a new continent can be extremely challenging, especially if you have been away from education for a while. I hope to make this year as smooth as possible for you, and make sure that we’re not excluded or forgotten even though we are here for a short time. I want to help make this an amazing year for everyone!


My goals as officer:

  • Lobby for designated computer areas for master’s/postgraduate students.
  •  Make sure that student welfare and support are a priority.
  •  Form a postgraduate society so students can get to know each other better outside of lectures and tutorials and from other programmes.
  •  Look into better ways to make use of the postgraduate common room together with the postgraduate research officer.
  •  Help master’s students with any concerns or problems they have with the university or the union.
  •  Make sure that master’s students don’t fall through the cracks and that their voices are heard!


About me:

I’m an MSc Development Studies student from Finland. I graduated last summer with my BA in International Development with Politics from University of Leeds. During my undergraduate degree, I was a course rep and on the yoga society committee, so I have experience on university and union issues, and have gained skills to make things happen. As a course rep, I, for example, noticed that my course members didn’t really know each other, so I organised informal get-togethers so that people would get to know each other better.

One of the main reasons I chose to study at SOAS was the union, the culture of the university, and the fact that students and lecturers are very passionate about the issues they are studying, researching, and teaching. I want to be a part of keeping the university amazing and improve it any way I can!

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