Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Research Officer



Given that the 2020 academic year has started with great drawbacks for postgraduate researchers, many of us have only recently been enrolled, while a few of us are still awaiting confirmation of our finances by the fees department; I am willing to represent Postgraduate Researchers of SOAS, aiming to ease the communication between individuals and SOAS administration. I have a long experience with SOAS' administration that started when I commenced my part-time Postgraduate Taught studies in 2017, continued in 2019 as I was mentoring a PG student in the law department and continues today with my MPhil status. I have organized the SOAS PhD WhatsApp group where assistance on practical matters is offered, and study sessions are organized to help us keep track of our progress. Recently we started arranging “social hour” sessions to get to know each other better and battle isolationism. Covid intensifies the confusion for students and the lack of communication channels, and I aim to bridge that gap!

Vote for Mother Sofia to, at least, solve the practical issues and let us focus on what matters: Our Research !! 

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