Co-President Activities and Events

Maryam Choudhary
Maryam Choudhary

WELCOME FROM Maryam (SHE/HER) CO-PRESIDENT Activities and Events

Welcome from Maryam

Welcome to the SOAS Students Union! I'm excited to serve as the Co-President of Activities and Events, responsible for bringing all the fun to our campus. My role in the SU involves guiding students in planning and delivering Society + Sports events and other engaging activities.

Throughout the year, my primary goal is to create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere in all SU spaces. I strive to achieve this by organising a diverse range of events where every student feels comfortable and welcome, regardless of their religious beliefs, castes, or social identities.

Let me share a bit about what the SU stands for. Our main focus is on creating inclusive communities, ensuring that all students, regardless of their background, feel valued and represented. To enrich the overall student experience, we provide a wide range of extracurricular activities that offer opportunities to develop skills and create lasting memories. And of course, offer safe spaces where you can take a break from your studies and recharge.

As Co-President, I strongly believe in student empowerment. I encourage you to take the lead in planning and delivering events for your sports teams, societies, and campaigns. Your active participation and initiative play a vital role in shaping the SU's offerings and impact.

The SOAS SU, along with my fellow Co-Presidents, is dedicated to ensuring that you have a memorable and enjoyable university journey. We are here to infuse the campus with life and spirit, providing ample fun and entertainment for all. Together, as the heart of the SOAS campus, we strive to make the SU a place where everyone feels included, engaged, and energised. I look forward to an exciting year ahead, and I am committed to working with you all to achieve our shared goals.

Maryam's Manifesto

Hey everyone, 

I’m Maryam a 3rd Year Management Student, and I am standing for the position of Co-President Activities & Events.  

As President of DesiSoc, I have been actively working to enrich the social experience of SOASians which I believe I can continue and further at a greater level by running for Co-President Activities and Events. 

I understand the importance of having a welcoming and calming space to express ourselves and relax. Unfortunately, the current SU space is super disorganized, dull, and depressing. If elected, I will take on board all your thoughts/opinions to shape a new and better SU space that prioritises student voices and needs. 

I am committed to addressing the following issues that matter to you. 

  • Currently, one of the problems is the hassle behind room bookings for SOAS societies. I will implement a designated area in the SU that caters to the events put on by SOAS societies to reduce these obstacles. Additionally, I want to shape the SU to be inclusive and accessible to all students, especially the JCR, by hosting a mixture of late license events as well as alcohol-free events. 

  • Another issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of support for Muslim students in finding a permanent prayer room. If elected, I will work alongside ISOC to ensure a permanent space for Muslims to pray is provided. 

  • Safety is key for all students, especially women, in light of the increase in sexual misconduct issues on campus. That's why, as an SU Officer, I will hold weekly self-defence classes in a private environment that students can access. This will be paid for by the SU. 

  • SOAS SU is the only UoL that doesn't officially have a 'Wednesday for Sport Teams' night in the SU bar to wind down and celebrate their victories. This is unacceptable. If elected, I will make Wednesdays officially recognized for Sports Teams and increase the existing sports budget to allow for equipment and sportswear. 

  •  We need to overhaul the way funding for sports clubs and societies works. If elected, I will secure sponsorships from companies that I have built connections with by being the President of DesiSoc. I will fund a booming Fresher Fayre, increase society & sports team budgets, and prioritize enhancing the experience of students at SOAS. 

  • Having experienced the difficulties of planning events as the President of DesiSoc, I know how important it is to have an open-door policy and weekly drop sessions for students and societies. That's why I will offer this support and advice to any student or society in need. 

Lastly, the current SU page is outdated and needs a refined and modernised look. I will revamp the entire website, making it accessible for societies and committees to navigate room bookings, budget applications, and implement a ‘What’s on?’ section at the top of the page showcasing events. 

Vote for me and let's work together to create a better SOAS SU that prioritises enhancing the social aspect of university life for all.  

Contact Maryam

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