Feminist Society

Welcome to the SOAS Feminist Society! A safe platform to exchange ideas related to intersectional feminism at SOAS and beyond. All welcome!

About Us

SOAS is already committed to eradicating gender-based differences, and have many plans to tackle the underrepresentation of womxn. These efforts shall be strengthened further, through uniting the student body in sending a clear message of our stance on gender equality.

Feminism is a collection of ideas which aim at defining, establishing and defending equal political, economic, cultural and social rights for womxn. Any progressive position should be able to deal with all major sources of inequality such as class, gender, race or age. We argue that a position which is not able to cope with articulation and understanding of the major sources of social inequality cannot adequately explain inequalities based only on one source, because all sources combine to define social position.

Once we recognize that womxn are exploited in the society, it becomes clear that they also have shared interests in opposing the patriarchal structures that serve to maintain the current form of social organisation. It follows that the main axis of differentiation in our society is gender. It is therefore important to focus on 'womxn's issues' and a wide, inclusive debate is urgently needed. This is especially so in the light of misrepresentation of feminism by the media which abuse the slogans of its most radical offshoots to discredit the women's movement as a whole.

The SOAS Feminist Society aims to be a platform welcoming a nuanced, intersectional debate which takes into consideration multiple, non-static intersections. We are excited to see you involved!



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