Christian Union

SOAS Christian Union is a group of people from different backgrounds united by core truths of Jesus Christ and the Bible. We welcome all to come along, hear and respond to the good news of Jesus!

About Us

Who we are... 

The Christian Union (CU) is a Christian-run society bringing together people of all faiths and backgrounds, with the aim of making Jesus known in SOAS. Whether you’re a firm believer, curious sceptic, staunch atheist, or somewhere in between, we’d love to welcome you and get to know you! Our hope is that we at the CU can serve SOAS well, through the way we seek to love and serve the community on campus, walking “in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us” [Ephesians 5:2]. 

Our faith and love for Jesus is at the heart of all we do. If you’re a Christian, we’d love to be encouraged by you, and encourage you on campus to live for Christ every day. If you’re not a Christian, we’d love to welcome you even more! Feel free to chat to us about anything and everything, whatever your views and beliefs, either at our main meetings, or over coffee one-on-one. 


What we do... 

Every Thursday we have our main meeting, where we gather, read the Bible, worship, and pray together, and think about what the Bible means and how it should impact our lives. This year we’re working through the book of Philippians, Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi in the 1st Century AD. We’ll be unpacking the beautiful love Jesus showed to all humanity with his death on the cross, and how we should live our day-to-day lives in light of that. 

In addition to our weekly events, we will also have special events, such as Christmas, a weekend away, and mission week. Keep an eye on our Instagram page ( for details! 

Absolutely anyone can join. We like to keep things casual, so just rock up anytime. Got a question you want to grill a Christian with? Bring it to our next meeting! Looking for someone to pray with? We’d love to do that! Just want someone to chat to? We’ll be here! Feel free to bring your friends with you, whether they are SOASians or not! 


Where to find us… 

You can sign up with us on the SU site or email us ( so we can add you to our WhatsApp group so you can keep up to date with our meetings and events and connect with other members. You can also join us on our Instagram page ( for any extra bits. Or just come and find us during Freshers or turn up to one of our meetings. Looking forward to meeting you! 



Don’t be put off if you struggle to make meetings/events. We understand - uni life is busy! Don’t let that get in the way of things though. If you’d like to be involved in some way, let us know and we’d be more than happy to meet up. 

Interested, but unsure of an ‘official’ Bible study? Again, let us know and one of us would be delighted to meet up for a coffee (on us) and chat about whatever you’d like, with the offer of just opening up the Bible a bit and seeing what it says always open. 


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