
About Us

Our mission:
University life itself can be quite daunting, the transition to adulthood for some can be a real eye opener. A new chapter of life, exposure to the world and looking at different phases of life through a brand new lens. As exciting as this may sound, various people tend to struggle internally due to the pro-found pressure. As a society, we aspire to create a safe space which tries to take small steps in hopes of making big changes.
We want to advocate how important it is to have a balanced life and how one can still have fun whilst doing progressively well at university. Our main drive is having a relatively small close-knit yet welcoming society with people who walk hand in hand helping each other build every step of the way :)

Activities & Events:
There are a few main events, and depending on the members responses and interest there is scope to build on :)

The Milestones:
Spooky Night- As a little meet-up, where we hope to watch a spooky movie. There is an entrance fee, to go towards the food for the event. A great opportunity to meet fellow students, make friends. We wanted to steer away from game nights and try something a bit new. Also, we are hoping to do a food spread, with spider oreo cookies and some Halloween inspired charcuterie board. We wanted some sort of a theme, thereby we are encouraging people to wear darker colours like red and black.

Picnic- Near spring time, we would like to organise a colour revision picnic. We recognise the importance of de-stressing closer to exam season. Hence we wanted to have an afternoon where everyone can come together and just be in nature and recuperate, read a book or revise. The idea of being together could for some be comforting and we could in- cooperate a power walk in the middle to boost mind- capacity.

Charity- As a society, we want to lean towards positive social change as much as possible. Consequently, we want to be part of the Christmas shoe box project, which aims to deliver smiles all across the world with mini gifts. Moreover, we also want to seek volunteering opportunities so we can help not only better society but also help strengthen people’s applications for their next steps.

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