Preventing Prevent

When: Tue 29 September 2015 18:00-20:00

The racialised nature of the "War on Terror" has had a severe impact on black and ethnic minority communities in Britain. Whether through surveillance or in more extreme cases, extraordinary rendition, Muslim and BME Britons have faced the wrath of policy that has seamlessly continued the British colonial tradition of policing "the other." 

Prevent, the British government's counter-terrorism strategy, inextricably polices BME and Muslim bodies and criminalises their political thought and activity. It is a strategy clearly designed to break up cohesion between Muslims within their communities and spaces.

Looking at the government's "counter-terrorism" strategy allows us to explore three key, interlocking themes: the ironic extremism of the policies themselves; how they are legitimised by so-called "think tanks"; and the framework of the "War on Terror" and imperial (mis)adventures abroad.

Moazzam Begg, author, ex-Guantanamo prisoner and advocate for the rights of those imprisoned unjustly, will be exploring these themes. 

SOAS Students' Union statement on Prevent:

SOAS, Russell Square
Room: TBC

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