Part-Time Sustainability Officer

Image of Nature (Shmalia Ahmed) - Sustainability Officer


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Vote for Mother Earth to be represented in SOAS decision making. 

Voting for Mother Earth to be appointed as a representative in student decision making, provides SOAS with the necessary platform to voice natures unique interests.

Why does nature need its own voice?

Our current human-centred systems have led to the polycrisis of our time - we are seeing Earth’s systems being over-exploited leading to biodiversity loss and climate change. At SOAS, our campus excludes the interests of nature that are vital to protect for the flourishing of our University values. To support nature in evolving, thriving, flourishing and regenerating its vital cycles - all the things she does so well to allow us to live here - we have to acknowledge nature's interests in our decision making at every level.

This means respecting planetary boundaries, natural limits, and the earth’s integrity.

This means repositioning our relationship with nature: from exploitation and domination towards respect, reciprocity and interconnectedness.

This means SOAS students living in harmony with nature.

We can do this by understanding ourselves as members of a diverse ecosystem: an interconnected collective alongside Earth's diverse entities, ecosystems, and components.

Who will speak on behalf of nature?

Across the world, nature is being represented by guardians who have the duty to care for the social, cultural, economic, ecological well being of nature's elements. Indigenous groups have existed as human guardians of Mother Earth for centuries. For example, the Inuit who protect the great Arctic regions, the Maori who protect the Earth’s forests and lakes, the Kayapo who look after the world’s rainforests and many more. This is our opportunity to become the guardians of the nature that surrounds our campus.

Working from these examples, the Harmony with Nature Society will act as a collective decision making body on behalf of nature.

What are we campaigning for?

SOAS University could do better to respect nature's interests by

1. Divesting from fossil fuel and extractive investment and pension funds

2. Appointing a representative for nature onto the Board of Trustees

3. Improving the carbon and environmental management system at SOAS - SOAS was scored one of the lowest universities for carbon and environmental management in the People & Planet University league

4. Engaging in eco-community outreach

5. Advocating for ethical consumption of products across the campus (environmental and social dimensions

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